Monday, 18 February 2008

Why a Blog Now???

Have you ever heard the saying "Its never too late"???

Exactly! Although the project is nearing completion I wanted to further spread the story of what has unfolded within the last two years of ownership.

I usually keep a thread of progress on the best starlet site out there and I have used various other methods to show progress such as photos, videos and interactive slideshows.

I have always wanted to have my own website or perhaps some way of tastefully showing what the project is all about and since the advent of blogging I thought I should give one a go as it seems a perfect way of sharing a slice of ones life portraying ones pride and joy as well as other happenings in ones life.

The other reason Im creating this blog is because the project car is not your average run-of-the-mill starlet, there is so much more meaning to what has been done with an emphasis on styling, suspension, braking, engine function and the overall driving experience. Money has been spent, tears have been shed, blood has been wiped off with an oil soaked rag... ok forget that last part but you get the picture.

Everthing will soon unfold so sit tight and hold on for the ride.

Without further adieu I will be posting blogs as developments happen.

You only live once, make the most of it ;)

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