Thursday, 29 May 2008

Brake Parts Finally Ordered!!!

Bloody TOYOTA is sooooooo expensive...



But I will finally have the parts I need to fit my brakes.

I also needed an exhaust valve.

Not long now...

Friday, 23 May 2008

Toyota Paseo White Dials Finally Added!

I have had these a while and it was time to get them in.

Coming Soon

The Rebuild Kit Arrives!

The 5E Genuine Toyota Rebuild Kit arrived today!

Almost everything I need for the 5E - 5EFHE Rebuild.

I also acquired some Speedvision Racing Valve Springs.

Rock on! Not much longer now, I just engine bearings and a few other items ;)

Stay Tuned!

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Awesome Initial D Fourth Stage AMV!!!

Also love this song by Matt Land - Pamela

Excellent music for driving to!!!

Monday, 12 May 2008

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Trouble with Parts!

Just found out the brake parts I need for the Levin Conversion have been changed by Toyota so fingers crossed that they are still possible to get...

Friday, 9 May 2008

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Deathnote Themes - Immense!!!

New backbox added and UR 4 Point Lower Arm Bar added

Those are the latest updates for parts actually on the car.

As for the differences they make, its a return to 4" jap style for me, albeit a lot louder (ordering exhaust bung) but definitely more flow when on wot. The Ultra Racing 4 Point Lower Arm Brace has been a revelation and certainly better clearance than the previous cusco 2 point brace. -1 deg Negative camber was also added taking advantage of the adjustable pillowball mounts on my Tanabe coilovers. I have had more before but the balance feels just right.

Photos coming soon.

Future Insight

I have been busy sourcing choice parts for the next major stage of the EP N/A Tuning Saga. Costs are mounting and time is well... taking its time but its going to be immense and expensive hahahahaha ~_~!...

Finally EP91 GTR Pics!

Talk about Blog Rebirth!!

The EP91 GTR when I visited Hong Kong!

Thanks to Mc_Chu for hotpot and introducing me to his mate who owns this!!!

1.5 Turbo Conversion - 290bhp lo boost = 320bhp hi boost.



And yes I got to taste this on lo-boost, all I can say is remember to warm your tyres first before you do any boosting rofl!!! ;)